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Cheshunt - St Mary's Church

Grave Details

Please remember that these grave stones are over 100 years and are sometimes hard to read.

More will be added soon

Mary Ann Turner
Who Died Dec 4th 1850
Aged 47 Years

Also of Lousia Salmon
Aged 17 Years

Also of
Mr Thomas Salmon
Who Died August 29th 1849

Aged 84 Yeas


To The Memory of
John Robinson Esq

Of this Parish

Who Died 3rd March 1818
In His 58th Year

"The memory of the just is blessed"

Charles Henry Harman
Thrid son of Ezekiel and Sarah Harman
Died August 19, 1849 aged 44

In Memory of
Mrs Sarah Willder

Who Departed this earth
31st March 1770 in the 80th Year of her age

To the Memory of

Richard Wright
Late of Park-Lane Waltham Cross

Who departed this life
31st May 1816
Aged 78 Years

Also Of

Ann Wright
Who Departed This Life
8th May 1818
Aged 70 Years

Also Of

Catharine Ann Wright

Who died Sept 1852


Cheshunt - St Mary's Church




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